TikTokPrinter.types package


TikTokPrinter.types.errors module

Copyright (C) Isaac Kogan, Inc - All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of this project, via any medium is strictly prohibited Proprietary work of Isaac Kogan Written by Isaac Kogan <isaacikogan@gmail.com>, April 2022

You are permitted to use this project commercially so long as it was purchased firsthand from Isaac Kogan. Distributing secondhand copies to others is strictly prohibited & is illegal.

You can do anything with this project except redistribute it.

exception TikTokPrinter.types.errors.InvalidImageObject

Bases: RuntimeError

An invalid image object is passed to the printer queue. More than likely, if you get this, you passed an image that was of NoneType and not a Pillow image. To prevent this error, check your image is not None before appending it to the printer queue.

exception TikTokPrinter.types.errors.InvalidPrinterObject

Bases: RuntimeError

An invalid object is passed to the printer queue

exception TikTokPrinter.types.errors.MissingPrinterDriver

Bases: RuntimeError

You are missing a printer driver. Please install it.

exception TikTokPrinter.types.errors.NoDevicesFound

Bases: RuntimeError

No USB devices could be found connected to your system.

exception TikTokPrinter.types.errors.SetupMonkeyPatch

Bases: RuntimeError

You are on Windows. a monkey-patch setup is required.

TikTokPrinter.types.objects module

Copyright (C) Isaac Kogan, Inc - All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of this project, via any medium is strictly prohibited Proprietary work of Isaac Kogan Written by Isaac Kogan <isaacikogan@gmail.com>, April 2022

You are permitted to use this project commercially so long as it was purchased firsthand from Isaac Kogan. Distributing secondhand copies to others is strictly prohibited & is illegal.

You can do anything with this project except redistribute it.

class TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem

Bases: object

An item that can be added to a PrinterCollection and thus the printer queue

class TikTokPrinter.types.objects.PrinterCollection(content: List[TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem])

Bases: object

A collection of CollectionItem objects to add to the printer queue to perform various actions

content: List[TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem]
class TikTokPrinter.types.objects.PrinterImage(content: <module 'PIL.Image' from 'c:\\users\\jeanm\\pycharmprojects\\printertwo\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL\\Image.py'>, padding: bool = True)

Bases: TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem

An image of type CollectionItem to print in the printer queue

content: <module 'PIL.Image' from 'c:\\users\\jeanm\\pycharmprojects\\printertwo\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL\\Image.py'>
padding: bool = True
class TikTokPrinter.types.objects.PrinterText(content: str, bold: bool = False)

Bases: TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem

A string of text of type CollectionItem to print in the printer queue

bold: bool = False
content: str
class TikTokPrinter.types.objects.SoundFile(file_path: str)

Bases: TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem

A string of text representing a file path of type CollectionItem to play in the printer queue

file_path: str
class TikTokPrinter.types.objects.VoiceText(content: str)

Bases: TikTokPrinter.types.objects.CollectionItem

A string of text of type CollectionItem to speak via text-to-speech in the printer queue

content: str

Module contents

Copyright (C) Isaac Kogan, Inc - All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of this project, via any medium is strictly prohibited Proprietary work of Isaac Kogan Written by Isaac Kogan <isaacikogan@gmail.com>, April 2022

You are permitted to use this project commercially so long as it was purchased firsthand from Isaac Kogan. Distributing secondhand copies to others is strictly prohibited & is illegal.

You can do anything with this project except redistribute it.